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Rebuilding Pompei

The rebuilding campaign was one hold due to the Seek The City To Come initiative.  Since the decision was made to close Our Lady of Pompei church, the Rebuilding Pompei capital campaign has ended.  We thank everyone who suppose this campaign over the last 5 years!

What remains on this page is for historical purposes.


Making a donation to the Rebuilding Pompei campaign fundraising  will benefit the ongoing renovation of the church properties.  On the first weekend of each month, there is a special second collection taken to fund the Rebuilding Pompei campaign


We each have a story of how we came to this parish,  and how our lives have been changed by it.  The more we bring our hearts, souls, ideas, and energy to this community, the more of us who say "I'm in!", the bigger our parish's impact will be - on our lives, on the lives of others, and on the world.  

Whether you are a newcomer, a 10-year member, or a 50+ year member, think about what this church contributes to your life.  Think about what you want our future story to be.  Think about how a generous offering from you can help make that future real.


One way to make a donation to the Rebuilding Pompei campaign is by donating to the Giving Tree.   The Giving Tree is in the lobby of the church, and it contains the names of those who have committed to help the church over the years.   You can now be part of your church's history for years to come, displaying yours or your family name on one of the Giving Tree's leaves. 

The donation for each leaf is $500.   Complete a Giving Tree Donation Form and mail it to the church or drop it in a collection basket during Mass. 




Why Rebuild?

Little has changed in the infrastructure since the church's building back in 1923 and the gymnasium in the 1960s.   It is now time to rebuild the church property.  Rebuilding is necessary to keep the church and church property safe, modernized, and efficient.


In August 2018, the Parish Council announced the start of the Rebuilding Pompei campaign.  It will be a multi-phase campaign over the next three to five years.  It will be no easy task to renovate such aging infrastructure, but we are confident that as a parish, we will all come together as we write the next chapters of our life at Our Lady of Pompei.  In October 2018 and January 2019, young men and women from Italy joined our parish for three month intervals.  They are part of OMG volunteer groups, and came to Baltimore to help with renovation work.

The first parish goal was to raise $50,000 by the January 1, 2019.   That was a lofty goal in a short amount of time, but the parishioners had tons of support.  Operazione Mato Gross committed to financial support Our Lady of Pompei with subsidies for major renovation cost.  The Archdiocese of Baltimore contributed a $100,000 grant for the first phase of renovation.


During this time, the second collection at each Mass is designated for renovation and maintenance.   Offerings from this collection helped defray the renovation costs. 


In addition, the Archdiocese has approved a $300,000 fundraising campaign in June 2019.  The campaign is primarily for a new church HVAC system and other defined updates to the church property.


In June 2021, the Archdiocese approved another $400,000 fundraising campaign.  This campaign is to complete renovation work in the rectory building and the multi-purpose room under the gymnasium.   The plan is to convert this into a functional church hall and kitchen space.


How Are We Rebuilding?


What Are We Rebuilding?

While property renovation is a key focus, Rebuilding Pompei is about much more. 

Building - Our Lady of Pompei is committed  to rebuild the church building so it can serve the parishioners and the community.  

Community - Our Lady of Pompei is committed to rebuild the multi-generational and multi-culturual community as one thriving community.

Heritage - Our Lady of Pompei is committed to rebuild the Italian heritage that built this church and solified the community long ago inspiring them to continue to care for the church and the community.


The parish has really come full circle - founded by Italians to serve Italian immigrants, we continue in our missionary roots, by continuing to welcome and serve new immigrants in Highlandtown.  Our Italian heritage remains strong as every priest, but a few, who has ministered at Our Lady of Pompei, have been Italian

Young or old, long time or new member, school alumni or friend of the church - everyone connected to Our Lady of Pompei is helping to rebuild!  How can you help?

- Make a donation directly to the Rebuilding Pompei Campaign.

- Donate your time and talents, or donate your services if you own a business.
- Make an offering of at least $20 a week, per family, to help support that ordinary expenses at the church.

- Give a little extra to the special collection on the 1st weekend of the month.  This collection benefits the Rebuilding Pompei Campaign.  Money collected from this collection goes directly to offset costs for repairs and renovations to the church propertis. 
- Volunteer and get involved with one our ministries!
- If you are not a parishioners and looking for a church home, we invite you to give the gift of continual support - register with the parish, attend Mass, and get involved


Who Is Rebuilding?

Rebuilding Progress

Phase 1

- Required safety repairs to the gym - fire alarm, up-to-date emergency doors, exit lights and signs.   

- First floor parish office renovations so that all parish staff is on the first floor. 

- Gym repainting & ceiling repair

Phase 2

- Efficient heating and AC replacement for church.  There was no functional AC since 2016 and the boiler was functioning inconsistently during the winter.

- Parishioners and friends donated $23,910.

- Our Lady of Pompei was blessed with a benefactor donation of $250,000


Phase 3

- Installation of new windows in the church rectory to provide insulation and prevent water leaks


- Repairing walls and ceiling defects in the church santucary


- Repainting the church santucary

Call Our Lady of Fatima at 410-624-7727

Our Lady of Fatima is located at
6400 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21224

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This webpage is maintained privately. This website is not owned or maintained by the parish or Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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